The P. falciparum Community Project provides researchers with high-quality genotypes linked to a global resource characterising genetic variation in P. falciparum populations.
Objectives & Coordination
The P. falciparum Community Project connects multiple research groups, each acquiring data on parasite genome variation — often in different geographical locations and for different scientific reasons. Working with this community, our long-term goal is to generate accessible information to improve malaria control.
The project is managed by the MalariaGEN Resource Centre. See the P. falciparum Community Project description for more information on the project structure, and data release and publication policies.
Our work is focused on four related objectives:
Building a catalogue of variation and allele frequencies
By aggregating data across many samples, we’re able to identify thousands of variations with a high-level of confidence and estimate their frequencies in different groups of samples. We’re building a catalogue of variation in the P. falciparum genome based on sequence data analysis, together with estimated allele frequencies in different geographical regions based on aggregated analysis of all the samples and data that have been contributed.
The catalogue is updated periodically — as the number of samples increases, as we incorporate data from different locations, and as sequencing technologies and analytical methods improve.
Providing researchers with standardised genotype data on their samples
Our sequence data analysis pipeline provides researchers with high-quality genotype calls on their samples in a standardised format which enables reliable comparisons to be made with data from other studies and geographical locations.
Publishing global analyses of genome variation, population genetics and evolutionary selection
We’ll report on the major geographical divisions of parasite population structure and use this to calculate allele frequency data, as well as analysing other aspects of genome variation, population genetics and evolutionary selection that can best be achieved using the aggregated dataset. These global analyses will be reported through peer-reviewed publications subject to the agreement of the groups who have contributed samples and data. Where appropriate, this will be done through mechanisms such as the Pf3k Project that bring together expert working groups and integrate multiple sources of data to produce specific analytical outputs.
Creating online tools to maximise the reach and impact of project findings
We’ve developed a set of web tools to enable contributing researchers to explore and analyse sequence read data and genotype calls on their own samples. We have also partnered with the MRC Centre of Genomics and Global Health to build a comprehensive web application to provide the wider research community with user-friendly tools to browse and query project data (www.malariagen.net/apps/pf).
Sampling locations
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), Colombia (CO), Congo (Republic of the) (CG), Ghana (GH), Guyana (GY), Hungary (HU).
We routinely release genotype data to our partners.
We routinely release genotype data to our partner studies; in addition, we periodically release public access datasets.
Learn more about data release to partners.
Resources for partners working on parasites
Partner studies
We work with a number of researchers undertaking independent studies to address unique questions about malaria biology and disease in malaria endemic areas. Each study is different, but they all involve a genomic component whereby they partner with us to sequence parasite samples and share the population genetic data. Click a link below to learn more about their work.
We seek to address a scientific question on effects of season and vector control interventions on population genetics of Anopheles funestus and Anopheles gambiae malaria vectors in Zambia. Specimens will be collected from Nchelenge, Ndola and Choma Districts…
3,488 specimens
23 countries
Project contacts
Partner data release (v7.0)
Plasmodium falciparum Community Project data, version 7.0 is now available. This release includes over 10.1 million SNPs based on an analysis of 20,864 samples from 54 partner studies in 33 countries. Details of the release are included in MalariaGEN et al, Wellcome Open Research 2023, 8:22 https://wellcomeopenresearch.org/articles/8-22