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Ag1000G - GHANA (AG1000G-GH)
Project: Ag1000G

Location: Ghana (GH).


Partner study description

Samples were collected in Twifo Praso (5.609, -1.549), a peri-urban community located in semi-deciduous forest in the Central Region of Ghana. It is an extensive agricultural area characterised by small-scale (vegetable growing) and large-scale commercial farms such as oil palm and cocoa plantations. Mosquito samples were collected as larvae from puddles near farms between September and October 2012. Madina (5.668, -0.219) is suburb of Accra within a coastal savanna zone of Ghana. It is an urban community characterised by myriad vegetable-growing areas. The vegetation consists of mainly grassland interspersed with dense short thickets often less than 5m high with a few trees. Specimens were sampled from puddles near roadsides and farms between October and December 2012. Takoradi (4.912, -1.774) is the capital city of the Western Region of Ghana. It is an urban community located in the coastal savanna zone. Mosquito samples were collected from puddles near road construction and farms between August and September 2012. Koforidua (6.094, -0.261) is the capital city of the Eastern Region of Southern Ghana and is located in semi-deciduous forest. It is an urban community characterized by numerous small-scale vegetable farms. Samples were collected from puddles near road construction sites and farms between August and September 2012. Larvae from all collection sites were reared to adults and females preserved over silica for DNA extraction. Both An. gambiae and An. coluzzii were collected from these sites, determined by PCR assay (1).

For further details of this study see Essandoh et al. (2).

1. F. Santolamazza, A. della Torre, and A. Caccone. Short report: a new polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method to identify anopheles arabiensis from an. gambiae and its two molecular forms from degraded dna templates or museum samples. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 70:604–6, July 2004.

2. John Essandoh, Alexander E Yawson, and David Weetman. Acetylcholinesterase (ace-1) target site mutation 119s is strongly diagnostic of carbamate and organophosphate resistance in anopheles gambiae ss and anopheles coluzzii across southern ghana. Malaria journal, 12(1):1–10, 2013.


David Weetman ( Department of Vector Biology, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

John Essandoh Department of Wildlife and Entomology, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana.