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Genomics for African Anopheles Resistance Diagnostics/GAARDian (1237-VO-BJ-DJOGBENOU/1244-VO-GH-YAWSON/1245-VO-CI-CONSTANT/1253-VO-TG-DJOGBENOU)

Locations: Benin (BJ), Ghana (GH), Ivory Coast (CI), Togo (TG).


The unifying theme of this project is to exploit the power of whole genome sequencing to identify genes/regulatory regions that are associated with insecticide resistance. We will use a combination of approaches including computer-based searches of existing genome data bases; large scale collections and resistance screening of malaria mosquitoes in both East and West Africa, and laboratory crossing experiments to identify rare, resistance-associated variants. All these studies will be underpinned by extensive whole genome sequencing. A major secondary outcome of this project will be the release of these genome data sets to the research community which will be a powerful resource for vector biologists.

Once we have identified resistance-associated DNA markers we will calibrate their links with resistance and then map their frequencies and distributions in expanded collections of mosquitoes provided by a network of collaborators in Sub-Saharan Africa. We will use modelling approaches to produce marker maps from these data, including the sensitivity of their predictive power to key environmental variables. Our project will develop and apply new bioinformatic, laboratory and field methodologies to identify DNA markers and associated mapping resources for current and future insecticides, providing long-term insecticide resistance management tools for control programs.



  • Luc S. Djogbenou IRSP/University of Abomey-Calav, Benin
  • Eric Lucas Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), UK


  • Alexander Egyir Yawson Cape Coast University, Ghana
  • Eric Lucas Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), UK


  • Edi Constant Swiss Center of Scientific Research (CSRS), Ivory Coast
  • Eric Lucas Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), UK


  • Luc S. Djogbenou IRSP/University of Abomey-Calav, Benin
  • Eric Lucas Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), UK