Partner study description
This is a cross sectional and screening study to determine the prevalence of drug resistant alleles in Sudanese Plasmodium falciparum field isolates which has been collected from different areas in Sudan from 2017-2018. Febrile patients (>37.5 °C) positive microscopy and RDT for P. falciparum were consented and enrolled in the study. Blood samples were spotted on Whatman 3 filter papers and labelled separately. Nested PCR based on rDNA detected was performed to confirm the species. P. falciparum multi-drug resistant genes are sought for samples collected during the 2018-2019 malaria season from different endemic areas in Sudan.
Antimalarial drug resistance molecular makers of Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Sudan during 2015–2017
Hussien et al.PLOS ONE, 2020; 15(8) e0235401
Assessment of Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance molecular markers from the Blue Nile State, Southeast Sudan
Mohamed et al.Malaria Journal, 2020; 19(1) 78