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1202 Determining the Burden of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Sabah State

Location: Malaysia (MY).


1) An ongoing state-wide malaria surveillance study in Sabah, Malaysia funded through NIH and Australian NHMRC. All patients presenting to government health facilities with symptoms of malaria and microscopically confirmed Plasmodium species (with parasite count per microlitre) have brief demographic, clinical, occupational and travel data collected and an EDTA blood sample sent to the state reference laboratory in Kota Kinabalu for PCR diagnosis, integrated with the current Malaysian Ministry of Health malaria elimination public health program:  i) Filter spots (x3) and ii) remaining red/white cell pellet frozen at -70, are made from this sample at the Infectious Disease Society, Kota Kinabalu – Menzies School of Health Research Clinical Research Centre at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kota Kinabalu. Current ethical approval through relevant HRECs of the Ministry of Health, Malaysia (NMRR-15-168-24821) and the Menzies School of Health Research, Australia (HREC-2015-2456) where the necessity for individual consent has been waived due to integration with the normal public health malaria program.

2) All Pf admissions to Sabah’s Tertiary Referral Hospital (Queen Elizabeth Hospital)  2010-17: 

Lithium heparin blood collected

  i) Li Heparin blood filtered through CF11 and infected RBCs glycerolated and frozen in liquid nitrogen (2011- 2015)

  ii) Filter spots on Whatman 1 (2010-13) and then Whatman 3 (2013 onwards) filter paper (stored in air conditioned room temp; no dessicant 2010-2016)

  iii) Red/white cell pellets frozen at -70 deg C.

3) All Pf admissions to Kudat, Kota Marudu and Pitas Hospitals (2012-2015 for all; 2016 for Kota Marudu):

  i) Li Heparin blood filtered through CF11 with infected RBCs glycerolated and    frozen in liquid nitrogen (2012- 2015)

  ii) Filter spots on Whatman 3 stored at 4 deg C with dessicant

  iii) Red/white cell pellets frozen at -70 deg C