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1197 Multidisciplinary research for malaria control and prevention in Mali

Location: Mali (ML).


Partner study description

This study looked at different field sites in Mali representing three different major eco-zones across West Africa that are different with regard to endemicity and current implementation of control strategies: (a) Dangassa and Kenieroba (rural field sites along the river Niger), where malaria has been found to be stable over the past five years and water stands from June to December/January. (b) Dioro, and Selingue are irrigated sites in the inland delta region of the Niger River, where in Dangassa a sharp rebound of malaria was observed after withdrawal of 10 years of malaria control interventions initiated by the Millennium Challenge Project. (c) The town of Nioro du Sahel located in the dry Sahelian zone of northwestern Mali where relatively high prevalence of malaria was found in pregnant women in a low endemic malaria context. (d) The District of Koulikoro where indoor residual spraying has been implemented for more than eight years and where increased insecticide resistance has been reported.