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1095 Genome variation and its affect on ACT treatment outcome in Tanzania

Location: Tanzania (TZ).


Partner study description

This study aims to assess the diversity of Plasmodium falciparum in regions of varying endemicity in Tanzania, and to investigate parasite genetic factors which might affect antimalarial treatment outcome among patients treated with ACTs. As part of the Plasmodium Diversity Network Africa (PDNA), an additional aim of this work is to build and strengthen the capacity of African investigators to conduct clinical trials and genomic studies in their local contexts. Over 400 samples were collected at three sites in Muheza and Muleba (hypoendemic), and Nachingwea (hyper-endemic/holoendemic) districts. The findings will provide baseline data and build the capacity for tracking and detection of emergence of artemisinin resistance in Tanzania. The PDNA is an African-led network investigating the genetic diversity and drug resistance of Plasmodium parasites across Africa.