The Plasmodium parasites that cause malaria have a remarkable talent for survival. Through small genetic changes, they can evade the human immune system, develop resistance to antimalarial drugs, and adapt to changes in the Anopheles mosquitoes that transmit the parasites.
The MalariaGEN open Plasmodium genetic data resource is the world’s largest data set of curated whole genome sequence data on malaria parasites. Through open data and applications that enable users to analyse and compute data free of charge, this resource provides the reference data needed in the search for new genetic insights on the spread and evolution of Plasmodium parasites to guide malaria control interventions.
We’re building genomic data and tools for investigating genetic variation in Plasmodium parasites that cause malaria to answer crucial questions about malaria transmission and drug resistance.
Whole genome data releases of malaria parasite samples from across the globe, including sample metadata and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) calls.
An open dataset of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation in 20,000+ worldwide samplesPv4
An open dataset of Plasmodium vivax genome variation dataTo access the data on the cloud, view terms of use, and browse guides to run your analyses, see the MalariaGEN parasite data user guide.
These analysis-ready genomic data resources on malaria parasites have been made freely available to everyone to benefit malaria research and public health, subject to access approval and terms of use. Alternatively, data can be downloaded to your own compute resources to run analyses locally.
Learn how to access, visualise, and recreate analyses of Plasmodium data for free with our guided analysis notebooks and the MalariaGEN data Python package.
Use our free apps to analyse parasite genomic data and discover new insights.
An open dataset of P. falciparum genome variation in 20,000+ worldwide samples. View data from nearly 100 locations across 30+ countries, summaries of genetic markers of drug resistance, and more.Pf-HaploAtlas
The Plasmodium falciparum Haplotype Atlas allows anyone with an internet connection to study and track genetic variation in any gene in the P. falciparum genome.Collaborations
MalariaGEN data resources are built through the collaborative efforts of individuals, groups, and institutions around the world. The Plasmodium resource lists each sample against the partner study that it belongs to, with a description of the scientific aims of the study and the local investigators that led the work.
P. falciparum Community Project
Provides high-quality genotypes linked to a global resource characterising genetic variation in P. falciparum populations.P. vivax Genome Variation
Aims to understand genome diversity of P. vivax parasites that can remain dormant in the liver for years, making them particularly hard to eliminate using conventional measures.P. falciparum Genetic Crosses
Generating high-quality data on genome sequence variation and sexual recombination for the parents and progeny of parasite crosses.Pf3k
An international collaboration using the latest sequencing technologies to provide a high-resolution view of natural variation in P. falciparum parasites.GenRe-Mekong (Genetic Reconnaissance of Malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion)
Providing National Malaria Control Programmes and other public health stakeholders in the Greater Mekong Subregion with timely and actionable knowledge to support decision-making relevant to malaria elimination efforts.Genomic Surveillance Hubs in West Africa (NIHR Global Health Research Group)
Establishing the scientific, technical, and operational infrastructure for regional genomic surveillance hubs in The Gambia and Ghana where P. falciparum samples from countries across the region can be collected, sequenced, and analysed locally.Pan-African Malaria Genetic Epidemiology Network (PAMGEN)
PAMGEN is researching genetic interactions between malaria parasites, vectors, and human communities across different African environments using the latest genomics science to contribute towards malaria elimination efforts in Africa.SpotMalaria
SpotMalaria harnesses genomic technologies to monitor the global evolution of malaria parasites, delivering knowledge that will increase the efficiency of malaria elimination and eradication efforts.Research
MalariaGEN data resources are powering new research into the genomic epidemiology of malaria parasites.
Genomic exploration of the journey of Plasmodium vivax in Latin America
Margaux J. M. Lefebvre, Fanny Degrugillier, Céline Arnathau, Gustavo A. Fontecha, Oscar Noya, Sandrine Houzé, Carlo Severini, Bruno Pradines, Antoine Berry, Jean-François Trape, Fabian E. Sáenz, Franck Prugnolle, Michael C. Fontaine, Virginie Rougeron
PLOS Pathogens 2025;21:1
Role of novel mutations in food vacuole transporters beyond K13-mediated artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum
Iqbal Taliy Junaid, Ashutosh Panda, Arunaditya Deshmukh, Rahila Sardar, Monika Narwal, Prakhar Agrawal, Neha Prakash, Asif Akhtar, Amit Kumar Dey, Suneet Shekhar Singh, Saptarshi Mridha, Jigneshkumar Mochi, Sadaf Parveen, Mohit Kumar, Rashi Nagar, Naseem Gaur, Dinesh Gupta, Asif Mohmmed, Inderjeet Kaur, Krishanpal Karmodiya, Pawan Malhotra
Research Square 2025
Plasmodium falciparum transcription factor AP2-06B is mutated at high frequency in Southeast Asia but does not associate with drug resistance
Qiyang Shi, Changhong Wang, Wenluan Yang, Xiaoqin Ma. Jianxia Tang, Jiayao Zhang, Guoding Zhu, Yinlong Wang, Yaobao Liu, Xiaoqin He
Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 2025;14
Protective antibodies target cryptic epitope unmasked by cleavage of malaria sporozoite protein
Cherrelle Dacon, Re’em Moskovitz, Kristian Swearingen, Lais Da Silva Pereira, Yevel Flores-Garcia, Maya Aleshnick, Sachie Kanatani, Barbara Flynn, Alvaro Molina-Cruz, Kurt Wollenberg, Maria Traver, Payton Kirtley, Lauren Purser, Marlon Dillon, Brian Bonilla, Adriano Franco, Samantha Petros, Jake Kritzberg, Courtney Tucker, Gonzalo Gonzalez Paez, Priya Gupta, Melanie J. Shears, Joseph Pazzi, Joshua M. Edgar, Andy A. Teng, Arnel Belmonte, Kyosuke Oda, Safiatou Doumbo, Ludmila Krymskaya, Jeff Skinner, Shanping Li, Suman Ghosal, Kassoum Kayentao, Aissata Ongoiba, Ashley Vaughan, Joseph J. Campo, Boubacar Traore, Carolina Barillas-Mury, Wathsala Wijayalath, Azza Idris, Peter D. Crompton, Photini Sinnis, Brandon K. Wilder, Fidel Zavala, Robert A. Seder, Ian A. Wilson, and Joshua Tan
Science 2025;387(6729)
Regular Plasmodium falciparum importation onto Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, hampers malaria elimination from the island
Thomas C. Stabler, Ankit Dwivedi, Bing Guo, Biraj Shrestha, Sudhaunshu Joshi, Matilde Riloha Rivas , Olivier Tresor Donfack , Carlos A. Guerra , Guillermo A. García , Claudia Daubenberger, Joana C. Silva
bioRxiv 2024
Geo-classification of drug-resistant travel-associated Plasmodium falciparum using Pfs47 and Pfcpmp gene sequences (USA, 2018–2021)
Edwin Pierre-Louis, Julia Kelley, Dhruviben Patel, Christina Carlson, Eldin Talundzic, David Jacobson, Joel Leonard, Nicholas Barratt
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2024;68:12
Pf-HaploAtlas: an interactive web app for spatiotemporal analysis of Plasmodium falciparum genes
Chiyun Lee, Eyyüb S Ünlü, Nina F D White, Jacob Almagro-Garcia, Cristina V Ariani, Richard D Pearson
Bioinformatics 2024;40:11
Identification of complex Plasmodium falciparum genetic backgrounds circulating in Africa: a multicountry genomic epidemiology analysis
Olivo Miotto, Alfred Amambua-Ngwa, Lucas N Amenga-Etego, Muzamil M Abdel Hamid, Ishag Adam, Enoch Aninagyei, Tobias Apinjoh, Prof Gordon A Awandare, Philip Bejon, Gwladys I Bertin, Marielle Bouyou-Akotet, Antoine Claessens, David J Conway, Prof Umberto D'Alessandro, Prof Mahamadou Diakite, Abdoulaye Djimdé, Arjen M Dondorp, Patrick Duffy, Rick M Fairhurst, Caterina I Fanello, Anita Ghansah, Deus S Ishengoma, Mara Lawniczak, Oumou Maïga-Ascofaré, Sarah Auburn, Anna Rosanas-Urgell, Varanya Wasakul, Nina F D White, Alexandria Harrott, Jacob Almagro-Garcia, Richard D Pearson, Sonia Goncalves, Cristina Ariani, Prof Zbynek Bozdech, William L Hamilton, Victoria Simpson, Prof Dominic P Kwiatkowski.
The Lancet Microbe 2024;5:12
Genetic Diversity of the Plasmodium falciparum Reticulocyte Binding protein Homologue-5 which is a potential Malaria Vaccine Candidate: Baseline data from areas of varying malaria endemicity in Mainland Tanzania
Angelina J. Kisambale, Beatus M. Lyimo, Dativa Pereus, Salehe S. Mandai, Catherine Bakari, Gervas A. Chacha, Ruth B. Mbwambo, Ramadhan Moshi, Daniel A. Petro, Daniel P. Challe, Misago D. Seth, Rashid A. Madebe, Rule Budodo, Sijenunu Aaron, Daniel Mbwambo, Abdallah Lusasi, Stella Kajange, Samwel Lazaro, Ntuli Kapologwe, Celine I. Mandara, Deus S. Ishengoma
medRxiv 2024
Characterisation of the erythrocyte invasion phenotype of FCB-2: A South American P. falciparum reference strain
Monica Ararat-Sarria, Hernando Curtidor and Manuel Alfonso Patarroyo
Acta Tropica 2024;260;107379
ResMAP—a saturation mutagenesis platform enabling parallel profiling of target-specific resistance-conferring mutations in Plasmodium
Richard J. Wall, Stuart A. MacGowan, Irene Hallyburton, Aisha J. Syed, Sowmya Ajay Castro, Gourav Dey, Rachel Milne, Stephen Patterson, Jody Phelan, Natalie Wiedemar, Susan Wyllie
mBio 2024;e0170824
Detection of novel Plasmodium falciparum haplotypes under treatment pressure in pediatric severe malaria
Balotin Fogang, Emilie Guillochon, Claire Kamaliddin, Gino Agbota, Sem Ezinmegnon, Maroufou Jules Alao, Philippe Deloron, Gwladys Bertin, Antoine Claessens
medRxiv 2024
Household clustering and seasonal genetic variation of Plasmodium falciparum at the community-level in The Gambia
Marc-Antoine Guery, Sukai Ceesay, Sainabou Drammeh, Fatou K Jaiteh, Umberto d’Alessandro, Teun Bousema, David J Conway, Antoine Claessens
medRxiv 2024
Diversity and selection analyses identify transmission-blocking antigens as the optimal vaccine candidates in Plasmodium falciparum
Ilinca I Ciubotariu, Bradley K Broyles, Shaojun Xie, Jyothi Thimmapuram, Mulenga C Mwenda, Brenda Mambwe, Conceptor Mulube, Japhet Matoba, Jessica L Schue, William J Moss, Daniel J Bridges, Qixin He, Giovanna Carpi
eBioMedicine 2024;106;105227
Benchmarking and Optimization of Methods for the Detection of Identity-By-Descent in High-Recombining Plasmodium falciparum Genomes
Bing Guo, Shannon Takala-Harrison, Timothy D. O’Connor
bioRxiv 2024
A Plasmodium falciparum genetic cross reveals the contributions of pfcrt and plasmepsin II/III to piperaquine drug resistance
John Kane, Xue Li, Sudhir Kumar, Katrina A. Button-Simons, Katelyn M. Vendrely Brenneman, Haley Dahlhoff, Mackenzie A. C. Sievert, Lisa A. Checkley, Douglas A. Shoue, Puspendra P. Singh, Biley A. Abatiyow, Meseret T. Haile, Shalini Nair, Ann Reyes, Rupam Tripura, Thomas J. Peto, Dysoley Lek, Angana Mukherjee, Stefan H. I. Kappe, Mehul Dhorda, Standwell C. Nkhoma, Ian H. Cheeseman, Ashley M. Vaughan, Timothy J. C. Anderson, Michael T. Ferdig
mBio 2024;15;e00805-24
Ancient Plasmodium genomes shed light on the history of human malaria
Megan Michel, Eirini Skourtanioti, Federica Pierini, Evelyn K. Guevara, Angela Mötsch, Arthur Kocher, Rodrigo Barquera, Raffaela A. Bianco, Selina Carlhoff, Lorenza Coppola Bove, Suzanne Freilich, Karen Giffin, Taylor Hermes, Alina Hiß, Florian Knolle, Elizabeth A. Nelson, Gunnar U. Neumann, Luka Papac, Sandra Penske, Adam B. Rohrlach, Nada Salem, Lena Semerau, Vanessa Villalba-Mouco, Isabelle Abadie, Mark Aldenderfer, Jessica F. Beckett, Matthew Brown, Franco G. R. Campus, Tsang Chenghwa, María Cruz Berrocal, Ladislav Damašek, Kellie Sara Duffett Carlson, Raphaël Durand, Michal Ernée, Cristinel Fântăneanu, Hannah Frenzel, Gabriel García Atiénzar, Sonia Guillén, Ellen Hsieh, Maciej Karwowski, David Kelvin, Nikki Kelvin, Alexander Khokhlov, Rebecca L. Kinaston, Arkadii Korolev, Kim-Louise Krettek, Mario Küßner, Luca Lai, Cory Look, Kerttu Majander, Kirsten Mandl, Vittorio Mazzarello, Michael McCormick, Patxuka de Miguel Ibáñez, Reg Murphy, Rita E. Németh, Kerkko Nordqvist, Friederike Novotny, Martin Obenaus, Lauro Olmo-Enciso, Päivi Onkamo, Jörg Orschiedt, Valerii Patrushev, Sanni Peltola, Alejandro Romero, Salvatore Rubino, Antti Sajantila, Domingo C. Salazar-García, Elena Serrano, Shapulat Shaydullaev, Emanuela Sias, Mario Šlaus, Ladislav Stančo, Treena Swanston, Maria Teschler-Nicola, Frederique Valentin, Katrien Van de Vijver, Tamara L. Varney, Alfonso Vigil-Escalera Guirado, Christopher K. Waters, Estella Weiss-Krejci, Eduard Winter, Thiseas C. Lamnidis, Kay Prüfer, Kathrin Nägele, Maria Spyrou, Stephan Schiffels, Philipp W. Stockhammer, Wolfgang Haak, Cosimo Posth, Christina Warinner, Kirsten I. Bos, Alexander Herbig & Johannes Krause
Nature 2024;631;125–133
Genetic surveillance of Plasmodium falciparum reveals rapid population changes following first-line treatment policy revisions in the Greater Mekong Subregion
Tess D Verschuuren, Varanya Wasakul, Nguyen Thuy-Nhien, Ethan Booth, Huynh Hong Quang, Ngo Duc Thang, Keobouphaphone Chindavongsa, Siv Sovannaroth, Virasak Banouvong, Viengphone Sengsavath, Mayfong Mayxay, Nguyen Thi Kim Tuyen, Vo Ngoc Lam Phuong, Pham Duc Trung, Sónia Gonçalves, Soun Chen, Sonexay Phalivong, Saiamphone Xayvanghang, Supaporn Mahaphontrakoon, Richard D Pearson, Paul N Newton, Richard J Maude, Elizabeth A Ashley, Cristina V Ariani, Victoria J Simpson, Nicholas P Day, Arjen M Dondorp, Olivo Miotto
medRxiv 2024
Molecular markers of artemisinin resistance during falciparum malaria elimination in Eastern Myanmar
Aung Myint Thu, Aung Pyae Phyo, Chanapat Pateekhum, Jade D. Rae, Jordi Landier, Daniel M. Parker, Gilles Delmas, Wanitda Watthanaworawit, Alistair R. D. McLean, Ann Arya, Ann Reyes, Xue Li, Olivo Miotto, Kyaw Soe, Elizabeth A. Ashley, Arjen Dondorp, Nicholas J. White, Nicholas P. Day, Tim J. C. Anderson, Mallika Imwong, Francois Nosten & Frank Smithuis
Malaria Journal 2024;23(138)
Genetic polymorphism and evidence of signatures of selection in the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein gene in Tanzanian regions with different malaria endemicity
Beatus M. Lyimo, Catherine Bakari, Zachary R. Popkin-Hall, David J. Giesbrecht, Misago D. Seth, Dativa Pereus, Zulfa I. Shabani, Ramadhan Moshi, Ruth Boniface, Celine I. Mandara, Rashid Madebe, Jonathan J. Juliano, Jeffrey A. Bailey & Deus S. Ishengoma
Malaria Journal 2024;23(1);139
Sustained clinical benefit of malaria chemoprevention with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) in pregnant women in a region with high SP resistance markers
Glória Matambisso, Nanna Brokhattingen, Sónia Maculuve, Pau Cístero, Henriques Mbeve, Anna Escoda, Gizela Bambo, Boaventura Cuna, Cardoso Melembe, Nelo Ndimande, Kevin K.A. Tetteh, Chris Drakeley, Benoit Gamain, Chetan Chitnis, Virander Chauhan, Llorenç Quintó, Eusébio Macete, Alfredo Mayor
Journal of Infection 2024;88;(5)
Strong positive selection biases identity-by-descent-based inferences of recent demography and population structure in Plasmodium falciparum
Bing Guo, Victor Borda, Roland Laboulaye, Michele D. Spring, Mariusz Wojnarski, Brian A. Vesely, Joana C. Silva, Norman C. Waters, Timothy D. O’Connor & Shannon Takala-Harrison
Nat Commun 2024;15;2499
Targeted amplicon deep sequencing of ama1 and mdr1 to track within-host P. falciparum diversity throughout treatment in a clinical drug trial
Kevin Wamae, Leonard Ndwiga, Oksana Kharabora, Kelvin Kimenyi, Victor Osoti, Zaydah de Laurent, Juliana Wambua, Jennifer Musyoki, Caroline Ngetsa, Peter Kalume, Gabriel Mwambingu, Mainga Hamaluba, Rob van der Pluijm, Arjen M Dondorp, Jeffrey Bailey, Jonathan Juliano, Philip Bejon, Lynette Ochola-Oyier
Wellcome Open Research 2024;7;95
scRNA-Seq reveals elevated interferon responses and TNF-α signaling via NFkB in monocytes in children with uncomplicated malaria
Collins M. Morang’a, Riley S. Drake, Vincent N. Miao, Nancy K. Nyakoe, Dominic S.Y. Amuzu, Vincent Appiah, Yaw Aniweh, Yaw Bediako, Saikou Y. Bah, Alex K. Shalek, Gordon A. Awandare, Thomas D. Otto, Lucas Amenga–Etego
medRxiv 2024
Regional Plasmodium falciparum subpopulations and malaria transmission connectivity in Africa detected with an enlarged panel of genome-wide microsatellite loci.
Martha Anita Demba, Edwin Kamau, Jaishree Raman, Karim Mane, Lucas Emenga-Etego, Tobias Apinjo, Deus Isheghoma, Lemu Golassa, Oumou Maiga, Anita Ghansah, Marielle Bouyou-Akotet, William Yavo, Milijoana Randrianarivelojosia, Fadel Muhammadou Diop, Eniyou Oriero, David Jeffries, Umberto D’Alessandro, Abdoulaye Djimde, Alfred Amambua-Ngwa
bioRxiv 2024
Role for gene conversion in the evolution of cell-surface antigens of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum
Brice Letcher, Sorina Maciuca, Zamin Iqbal
PLOS Biology 2024;22(3);e3002507
Evaluating evidence for co-geography in the Anopheles–Plasmodium host-parasite system
Clara T Rehmann, Peter L Ralph, Andrew D Kern
G3 Genes Genomes Genetics 2024; 14;(3)
Plasmodium falciparum transmission in the highlands of Ethiopia is driven by closely related and clonal parasites
Aurel Holzschuh, Yalemwork Ewnetu, Lise Carlier, Anita Lerch, Inna Gerlovina, Sarah Cate Baker, Delenasaw Yewhalaw, Werissaw Haileselassie, Nega Berhane, Wossenseged Lemma, Cristian Koepfli
Mol Ecol 2024;33(6);e17292
Artemisinin resistance-associated gene mutations in Plasmodium falciparum: A case study of severe malaria from Mozambique
Daniela Casanova, Vitória Baptista, Magda Costa, Bruno Freitas, Maria das Neves Imaculada Pereira, Carla Calçada, Paula Mota, Olena Kythrich, Maria Helena Jacinto Sarmento Pereira, Nuno S. Osório, Maria Isabel Veiga
Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 2024;57;102684
A novel computational pipeline for var gene expression augments the discovery of changes in the Plasmodium falciparum transcriptome during transition from in vivo to short-term in vitro culture
Clare Andradi-Brown, Jan Stephan Wichers-Misterek, Heidrun von Thien, Yannick D Höppner, Judith AM Scholz, Helle Hansson, Emma Filtenborg Hocke, Tim Wolf Gilberger, Michael F Duffy, Thomas Lavstsen, Jake Baum, Thomas D Otto, Aubrey J Cunnington ,Anna Bachmann
eLife 2024;25;12:RP87726
The Kelch13 compartment contains highly divergent vesicle trafficking proteins in malaria parasites
Sabine Schmidt, Jan Stephan Wichers-Misterek, Hannah Michaela Behrens, Jakob Birnbaum, Isabelle G. Henshall, Jana Dröge, Ernst Jonscher, Sven Flemming, Carolina Castro-Peña, Paolo Mesén-Ramírez, Tobias Spielmann
PLoS Pathog 2023;19(12);e1011814
Genomic analysis of Plasmodium vivax describes patterns of connectivity and putative drivers of adaptation in Ethiopia
Alebachew Messele Kebede , Edwin Sutanto , HidayatTrimarsanto, Ernest Diez Benavente , Mariana Barnes, Richard D. Pearson, Sasha V. Siegel , Berhanu Erko, Ashenafi Assefa, Sisay Getachew, Abraham Aseffa , Beyene Petros, Eugenia Lo, Rezika Mohammed, Daniel Yilma, Angela Rumaseb , Francois Nosten, Rintis Noviyanti , Julian C. Rayner, Dominic P. Kwiatkowski, Ric N. Price, LemuGolassa & Sarah Auburn
Scientific Reports 2023;13;20788
Genomics of Plasmodium vivax in Colombia reveals evidence of local bottle-necking and inter-country connectivity in the Americas
Edwin Sutanto, Zuleima Pava, Diego F. Echeverry, Tatiana M. Lopera‑Mesa, Lidia Madeline Montenegro, Maria F.Yasnot‑Acosta, Ernest Diez Benavente, Richard D. Pearson, Sócrates Herrera, Myriam Arévalo‑Herrera, Hidayat Trimarsanto, Angela Rumaseb , Rintis Noviyanti, Dominic P. Kwiatkowski, Ric N. Price & Sarah Auburn
Scientific Reports 2023;13;19779
Mapping the genomic landscape of multidrug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum and its impact on parasite fitness.
Sachel Mok, Tomas Yeo, Davin Hong, Melanie J. Shears, Leila S. Ross, Kurt E. Ward, Satish K. Dhingra, Mariko Kanai, Jessica L. Bridgford, Abhai K. Tripathi, Godfree Mlambo, Anna Y. Burkhard, Megan R. Ansbro, Kate J. Fairhurst, Eva Gil-Iturbe, Heekuk Park, Felix D. Rozenberg, Jonathan Kim, Filippo Mancia, Rick M. Fairhurst, Matthias Quick, Anne-Catrin Uhlemann, Photini Sinnis, David A. Fidock
Science Advances 2023;9(45);eadi2364
Evolution and spread of Plasmodium falciparum mutations associated with resistance to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in central Africa: a cross-sectional study
Emilie Guémas, Romain Coppée, Sandie Ménard, Milena du Manoir, Sandrine Nsango, Dieudonné Makaba Mvumbi, Emmanuel Nakoune, Carole Else Eboumbou Moukoko, Marielle Karine Bouyou Akotet, Tatfeng Youtchou Mirabeau, Sylvie Manguin, Doudou Malekita Yobi, Jean Akiana, Lady Charlène Kouna, Denise Patricia Mawili Mboumba, Dominique Fatima Voumbo-Matoumona, Alliance-Laure Otam, Pierre-Alain Rubbo, Jean-Pierre Lombart, Elisabeth Kwanai, Olivia Cohen, Xavier Iriart, Lawrence Ayong, Jean Bernard Lekana-Douki, Frédéric Ariey, Antoine Berry
Lancet Microbe 2023;4(12);e983-e993
MalariaSED: a deep learning framework to decipher the regulatory contributions of noncoding variants in malaria parasites
Chengqi Wang, Yibo Dong, Chang Li, Jenna Oberstaller, Min Zhang, Justin Gibbons, Camilla Valente Pires, Mianli Xiao, Lei Zhu, Rays H. Y. Jiang, Kami Kim, Jun Miao, Thomas D. Otto, Liwang Cui, John H. Adams & Xiaoming Liu
Genome Biology 2023;24(231)
Molecular surveillance of Plasmodium falciparum drug-resistance markers in Vietnam using multiplex amplicon sequencing (2000–2016)
Eduard Rovira-Vallbona, Johanna Helena Kattenberg, Nguyen Van Hong, Pieter Guetens, Hideo Imamura, Pieter Monsieurs, Driss Chiheb, Annette Erhart, Bui Quang Phuc, Nguyen Xuan Xa & Anna Rosanas-Urgell
Scientific Reports 2023;13;13948
A potent and durable malaria transmission-blocking vaccine designed from a single-component 60-copy Pfs230D1 nanoparticle
Nichole D. Salinas, Rui Ma, Thayne H. Dickey, Holly McAleese, Tarik Ouahes, Carole A. Long, Kazutoyo Miura, Lynn E. Lambert & Niraj H. Tolia
npj Vaccines 2023;8(124)
Genomic analysis of Plasmodium falciparum isolates across different altitudinal zones along the slope of Mount Cameroon
Tobias O. Apinjoh, Marcelus U. Ajonina, Deriba Abera, Hanesh F. Chi, Roland B. Tata, Regina N. Mugri, Lemu Golassa, Eric A. Achidi, Alfred Amambua-Ngwa
Frontiers in Malaria 2023;1
An optimized GATK4 pipeline for Plasmodium falciparum whole genome sequencing variant calling and analysis
Karamoko Niaré, Bryan Greenhouse & Jeffrey A. Bailey
Malaria Journal 2023;22(207)
Highly multiplexed ddPCR-amplicon sequencing reveals strong Plasmodium falciparum population structure and isolated populations amenable to local elimination efforts in Zanzibar
Aurel Holzschuh, Anita Lerch, Inna Gerlovina, Bakar S. Fakih, Abdul-wahid H. Al-mafazy, Erik J. Reaves, Abdullah Ali, Faiza Abbas, Mohamed Haji Ali, Mohamed Ali Ali, Manuel W. Hetzel, Joshua Yukich & Cristian Koepfli
Nat Commun 2023;14(3699)
Genome-wide genetic variation and molecular surveillance of drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from asymptomatic individuals in Ouélessébougou, Mali
Leen N Vanheer, Almahamoudou Mahamar, Emilia Manko, Sidi M Niambele, Koualy Sanogo, Ahamadou Youssouf, Adama Dembele, Makonon Diallo, Seydina O Maguiraga, Jody Phelan, Ashley Osborne, Anton Spadar, Merel J Smit, Teun Bousema, Chris Drakeley, Taane G Clark, William Stone, Alassane Dicko, Susana Campino
Scientific Reports 2023;13(1);9522
coiaf: Directly estimating complexity of infection with allele frequencies
Aris Paschalidis, Oliver J. Watson, Ozkan Aydemir, Robert Verity , Jeffrey A. Bailey
PLoS Comput Biol 2023;19(6);e101024
Targeted and whole-genome sequencing reveal a north-south divide in P. falciparum drug resistance markers and genetic structure in Mozambique
Clemente da Silva, Simone Boene, Debayan Datta, Eduard Rovira-Vallbona, Andrés Aranda-Díaz, Pau Cisteró, Nicholas Hathaway, Sofonias Tessema, Arlindo Chidimatembue, Glória Matambisso, Abel Nhama, Eusebio Macete, Arnau Pujol, Lidia Nhamussua, Beatriz Galatas, Caterina Guinovart, Sónia Enosse, Eva De Carvalho, Eric Rogier, Mateusz M. Plucinski, James Colborn, Rose Zulliger, Abuchahama Saifodine, Pedro L. Alonso, Baltazar Candrinho, Bryan Greenhouse, Pedro Aide, Francisco Saute & Alfredo Mayor
Nature Communications Biology 2023;6;619
Performance of SNP barcodes to determine genetic diversity and population structure of Plasmodium falciparum in Africa
Dionne C Argyropoulos, Mun Hua Tan, Courage Adobor, Benedicta Mensah, Frédéric Labbé, Kathryn E Tiedje, Kwadwo A Koram, Anita Ghansah, Karen P Day
Frontiers in Genetics 2023;13
Genomic analysis of Indian isolates of Plasmodium falciparum: Implications for drug resistance and virulence factors
Deepak Choubey, Bhagyashree Deshmukh, Anjani Gopal Rao, Abhishek Kanyal, Amiya Kumar Hati, Somenath Roy, Krishanpal Karmodiya
Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist 2023;22;52–60
MinSNPs: an R package for derivation of resolution-optimised SNP sets from microbial genomic data
Hoon KS, Holt DC, Auburn S, Shaw P, Giffard PM
PeerJ 2023;11;e15339
Genomic variation during culture adaptation of genetically complex Plasmodium falciparum clinical isolates
Claessens A, Stewart LB, Drury E, Ahouidi AD, Amambua-Ngwa A, Diakite M, Kwiatkowski DP, Awandare GA, Conway DJ.
Microbial Genomics 2023;9(5)
Chloroquine resistance evolution in Plasmodium falciparum is mediated by the putative amino acid transporter AAT1
Alfred Amambua-Ngwa, Katrina A. Button-Simons, Xue Li , Sudhir Kumar , et al
Nature Microbiology 2023;8;1213–1226
Population dynamics and drug resistance mutations in Plasmodium falciparum on the Bijagós Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau
Sophie Moss, Emilia Mańko, Hristina Vasileva, Eunice Teixeira Da Silva, Adriana Goncalves, Ashley Osborne, Jody Phelan, Amabelia Rodrigues, Paulo Djata, Umberto D'Alessandro, David Mabey, Sanjeev Krishna, Anna Last, Taane G Clark, Susana Campino
Scientific Reports 2023;13(1);6311
Characterization of a novel Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface antigen and potential vaccine target
Karamoko Niaré, Timothy Chege, Micha Rosenkranz, Kennedy Mwai, Zoe Saßmannshausen, Dennis Odera, Lydia Nyamako, James Tuju, Tiono Alfred, John N Waitumbi, Bernhards Ogutu, Sodiomon B Sirima, Gordon Awandare, Bourema Kouriba, Julian C Rayner, Faith H A Osier
Frontiers Immunology 2023;14;1156806
Population Genomic Evidence of Adaptive Response during the Invasion History of Plasmodium falciparum in the Americas
Margaux J M Lefebvre, Josquin Daron, Eric Legrand, Michael C Fontaine, Virginie Rougeron, Franck Prugnolle
Mol Biol Evol 2023;40(5);msad082
Potent acyl-CoA synthetase 10 inhibitors kill Plasmodium falciparum by disrupting triglyceride formation
Selina Bopp, Charisse Flerida A. Pasaje, Robert L. Summers, Pamela Magistrado-Coxen, Kyra A. Schindler, Victoriano Corpas-Lopez, Tomas Yeo, Sachel Mok, Sumanta Dey, Sebastian Smick, Armiyaw S. Nasamu, Allison R. Demas, Rachel Milne, Natalie Wiedemar, Victoria Corey, Maria De Gracia Gomez-Lorenzo, Virginia Franco, Angela M. Early, Amanda K. Lukens, Danny Milner, Jeremy Furtado, Francisco-Javier Gamo, Elizabeth A. Winzeler, Sarah K. Volkman, Maëlle Duffey, Benoît Laleu, David A. Fidock, Susan Wyllie, Jacquin C. Niles, Dyann F. Wirth
Nat Commun 2023;14(1455)
Genetic diversity and natural selection of rif gene (PF3D7_1254800) in the Plasmodium falciparum global populations
Shao-Jie Xu, Hai-Mo Shen, Yan-Bing Cui, Shen-Bo Chen, Bin Xu, Jun-Hu Chen
Mol Biochem Parasitol 2023;254;111558
Limited genetic variations of the Rh5-CyRPA-Ripr invasion complex in Plasmodium falciparum parasite population in selected malaria-endemic regions, Kenya
Harrison Waweru, Bernard N. Kanoi, Josiah O. Kuja, Mary Maranga, James Kongere, Michael Maina, Johnson Kinyua and Jesse Gitaka
Frontiers in Tropical Disease 2023;4;1102265
Malaria Molecular Surveillance in the Peruvian Amazon with a Novel Highly Multiplexed Plasmodium falciparum AmpliSeq Assay
Johanna Helena Kattenberg, Carlos Fernandez-Miñope, Norbert J. van Dijk, Lidia Llacsahuanga Allcca, Pieter Guetens, Hugo O. Valdivia, Jean-Pierre Van geertruyden, Eduard Rovira-Vallbona, Pieter Monsieurs, Christopher Delgado-Ratto, Dionicia Gamboa, Anna Rosanas-Urgell
Microbiology Spectrum 2023;11;e00960-22
Nosocomial Malaria Transmissions Resolved by Genomic Analyses—A Retrospective Case Report Study in France: 2007–2021
Romain Coppée, Véronique Sarrasin, Rizwana Zaffaroulah, Azza Bouzayene, Marc Thellier, Harold Noël, Jérôme Clain, Sandrine Houzé, the Investigation Study Group
Clinical Infectious Diseases 2023;76(4);631–639
Potent transmission-blocking monoclonal antibodies from naturally exposed individuals target a conserved epitope on Plasmodium falciparum Pfs230
Danton Ivanochko, Amanda Fabra-García, Karina Teelen, Marga van de Vegte-Bolmer, Geert-Jan van Gemert, Jocelyn Newton, Anthony Semesi, Marloes de Bruijni, Judith Bolscher, Jordache Ramjith, Marta Szabat, Stefanie Vogt, Lucas Kraft, Sherie Duncan, Shwu-Maan Lee, Moses R. Kamya, Margaret E. Feeney, Prasanna Jagannathan, Bryan Greenhouse, Robert W. Sauerwein, C. Richter King, Randall S. MacGill, Teun Bousema, Matthijs M. Jore, Jean-Philippe Julien
Immunity 2023;56(2);420–432
Short tandem repeat polymorphism in the promoter region of cyclophilin 19B drives its transcriptional upregulation and contributes to drug resistance in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum
Kucharski M, Wirjanata G, Nayak S, Boentoro J, Dziekan JM, Assisi C, van der Pluijm RW, Miotto O, Mok S, Dondorp AM, Bozdech Z.
PLOS Pathogens 2023;19(1);e1011118
Role of Pfs47 in the dispersal of ancestral Plasmodium falciparum malaria through adaptation to different anopheline vectors
Molina-Cruz A, Canepa GE, Dwivedi A, Liu W, Raytselis N, Antonio-Nkondjio C, Hahn BH, Silva JC, Barillas-Mury C.
PNAS 2023;120(5);e2213626120
Genetic Epidemiology Use Cases for Malaria Control Programmes: A Methodology
Olivo Miotto, Principal Investigator, GenRe-Mekong Project
Genetic Epidemiology Use Cases for Malaria Control Programmes: A Methodology 2023
Pf7: An open dataset of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation in 20,000 worldwide samples
MalariaGEN et. al
Wellcome Open Research 2023;8;22
Unravelling var complexity: Relationship between DBLα types and var genes in Plasmodium falciparum
Mun Hua Tan, Heejung Shim, Yao-ban Chan, Karen P. Day
Front Parasitol 2023;1;1006341
Drug Resistant Prediction Based on Plasmodium falciparum DNA-Barcoding using Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory Method
Lailil Muflikhah, Nashi Widodo, Novanto Yudistira, Achmad Ridok
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) 2023;14(7)
Drug resistance and population structure of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax in the Peruvian Amazon
Villena FE, Sanchez JF, Nolasco O, Braga G, Ricopa L, Barazorda K, Salas CJ, Lucas C, Lizewski SE, Joya CA, Gamboa D, Delgado-Ratto C, Valdivia HO
Scientific Reports 2022;12(1);16474
Phenotypic characterization of Ghanaian P. falciparum clinical isolates reveals a homogenous parasite population
Laty G. Thiam, Prince B. Nyarko, Felix Ansah, Makhtar Niang, Gordon A. Awandare, Yaw Aniweh
Frontiers Immunology 2022;13;1009252
Design and implementation of multiplexed amplicon sequencing panels to serve genomic epidemiology of infectious disease: A malaria case study
LaVerriere E, Schwabl P, Carrasquilla M, Taylor AR, Johnson ZM, Shieh M, Panchal R, Straub TJ, Kuzma R, Watson S, Buckee CO, Andrade CM, Portugal S, Crompton PD, Traore B, Rayner JC, Corredor V, James K, Cox H, Early AM, MacInnis BL, Neafsey DE.
Molecular Ecology Resources 2022;22;2285
Molecular epidemiology of resistance to antimalarial drugs in the Greater Mekong subregion: an observational study
Imwong M, Dhorda M, Myo Tun K, Thu AM, Phyo AP, Proux S, Suwannasin K, Kunasol C, Srisutham S, Duanguppama J, Vongpromek R, Promnarate C, Saejeng A, Khantikul N, Sugaram R, Thanapongpichat S, Sawangjaroen N, Sutawong K, Han KT, Htut Y, Linn K, Win AA, Hlaing TM, van der Pluijm RW, Mayxay M, Pongvongsa T, Phommasone K, Tripura R, Peto TJ, von Seidlein L, Nguon C, Lek D, Chan XHS, Rekol H, Leang R, Huch C, Kwiatkowski DP, Miotto O, Ashley EA, Kyaw MP, Pukrittayakamee S, Day NPJ, Dondorp AM, Smithuis FM, Nosten FH, White NJ.
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2020;20(12);1470-1480
Protective Immunity against Severe Malaria in Children Is Associated with a Limited Repertoire of Antibodies to Conserved PfEMP1 Variants
Tessema SK, Nakajima R, Jasinskas A, Monk SL, Lekieffre L, Lin E, Kiniboro B, Proietti C, Siba P, Felgner PL, Doolan DL, Mueller I, Barry AE.
Cell Host & Microbe 2019;26(5);579-590.e5
An open dataset of Plasmodium vivax genome variation in 1,895 worldwide samples
MalariaGEN, Ishag Adam, Mohammad Shafiul Alam, Sisay Alemu, Chanaki Amaratunga, Roberto Amato, Voahangy Andrianaranjaka, Nicholas M Anstey, Abraham Aseffa, Elizabeth Ashley, Ashenafi Assefa, Sarah Auburn, Bridget E Barber, Alyssa Barry, Dhelio Batista Pereira, Jun Cao, Nguyen Hoang Chau, Kesinee Chotivanich, Cindy Chu, Arjen M. Dondorp, Eleanor Drury, Diego F. Echeverry, Berhanu Erko, Fe Espino, Rick M. Fairhurst, Abdul Faiz, María Fernanda Villegas, Qi Gao, Lemu Golassa, Sonia Goncalves, Matthew J Grigg, Yaghoob Hamedi, Tran Tinh Hien, Ye Htut, Kimberly J Johnson, Nadira Karunaweera, Wasif Khan, Srivicha Krudsood, Dominic P Kwiatkowski, Marcus Lacerda, Benedikt Ley, Pharath Lim, Yaobao Liu, Alejandro Llanos-Cuentas, Chanthap Lon, Tatiana Lopera-Mesa, Jutta Marfurt, Pascal Michon, Olivo Miotto, Rezika Mohammed, Ivo Mueller, Chayadol Namaik-larp, Paul N Newton, Thuy-Nhien Nguyen, François Nosten, Rintis Noviyanti , Zuleima Pava, Richard D Pearson, Beyene Petros, Aung P Phyo, Ric N Price, Sasithon Pukrittayakamee , Awab Ghulam Rahim, Milijaona Randrianarivelojosia, Julian C Rayner Orcid, Angela Rumaseb, Sasha V Siegel, Victoria J Simpson, Kamala Thriemer, Alberto Tobon-Castano, Hidayat Trimarsanto, Marcelo Urbano Ferreira, Ivan D Vélez, Sonam Wangchuk, Thomas E Wellems, Nicholas J White, Timothy William, Maria F Yasnot, Daniel Yilma
Wellcome Open Res 2022;7:136
Artemisinin resistance in the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, originates from its initial transcriptional response
Zhu L, van der Pluijm RW, Kucharski M, Nayak S, Tripathi J, White NJ, Day NPJ, Faiz A, Phyo AP, Amaratunga C, Lek D, Ashley EA, Nosten F, Smithuis F, Ginsburg H, von Seidlein L, Lin K, Imwong M, Chotivanich K, Mayxay M, Dhorda M, Nguyen HC, Nguyen TNT, Miotto O, Newton PN, Jittamala P, Tripura R, Pukrittayakamee S, Peto TJ, Hien TT, Dondorp AM, Bozdech Z.
Communications Biology 2022;5;274
Resolving drug selection and migration in an inbred South American Plasmodium falciparum population with identity-by-descent analysis
Carrasquilla M, Early AM, Taylor AR, Knudson A, Echeverry DF, Anderson TJ, Mancilla E, Aponte S, Cárdenas P, Buckee CO, Rayner JC, Sáenz FE, Neafsey DE, Corredor V
bioRxiv 2022
Global diversity and balancing selection of 23 leading Plasmodium falciparum candidate vaccine antigens
Myo T. Naung, Elijah Martin, Jacob Munro, Somya Mehra, Andrew J. Guy, Moses Laman, G. L. Abby Harrison, Livingstone Tavul, Manuel Hetzel, Dominic Kwiatkowski, Ivo Mueller, Melanie Bahlo, Alyssa E. Barry
PLoS Comput Biol 2022;18:2;e1009801
Increase in the proportion of Plasmodium falciparum with kelch13 C580Y mutation and decline in pfcrt and pfmdr1 mutant alleles in Papua New Guinea
Yoshida N, Yamauchi M, Morikawa R, Hombhanje F, Mita T.
Malaria Journal 2021;20;410
Genetic surveillance in the Greater Mekong Subregion and South Asia to support malaria control and elimination: about the data
Jacob CG, Thuy-Nhien N, Mayxay M, et al.
eLife 2021;10:e62997
Using deep learning to identify recent positive selection in malaria parasite sequence data
Deelder W, Benavente ED, Phelan J, Manko E, Campino S, Palla L, Clark TG.
Malaria Journal 2021;20(1);270
Arterolane-piperaquine-mefloquine versus arterolane-piperaquine and artemether-lumefantrine in the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Kenyan children: a single-centre, open-label, randomised, non-inferiority trial
Mainga Hamaluba, Rob W van der Pluijm, Joseph Weya, Patricia Njuguna, Mwanajuma Ngama, Peter Kalume, Gabriel Mwambingu, Caroline Ngetsa, Juliana Wambua, Mwanamvua Boga, Neema Mturi, Altaf A Lal, Arshad Khuroo, Walter R J Taylor, Sónia Gonçalves, Olivo Miotto, Mehul Dhorda, Brian Mutinda, Mavuto Mukaka, Naomi Waithira, Richard M Hoglund, Mallika Imwong, Joel Tarning, Nicholas P J Day, Nicholas J White, Philip Bejon, Arjen M Dondorp
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2021;21(10);1395-1406
Distinctive genetic structure and selection patterns in Plasmodium vivax from South Asia and East Africa
Benavente ED, Manko E, Phelan J, Campos M, Nolder D, Fernandez D, Velez-Tobon G, Castaño AT, Dombrowski JG, Marinho CRF, Aguiar ACC, Pereira DB, Sriprawat K, Nosten F, Moon R, Sutherland CJ, Campino S, Clark TG.
Nature Communications 2021;12(1);3160
Population genomic evidence of Plasmodium vivax Southeast Asian origin
Daron J, Boissière A, Boundenga L, Ngoubangoye B, Houze S, Arnathau C, Sidobre C, Trape JF, Durand P, Renaud F, Fontaine MC, Prugnolle F, Rougeron V.
Science Advances 2021;7(18);eabc3713
Genomic analysis reveals independent evolution of Plasmodium falciparum populations in Ethiopia
Abera D, Kibet CK, Degefa T, Amenga-Etego L, Bargul JL, Golassa L.
Malaria Journal 2021;20;129
Temporal evolution of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance genotypes and genetic diversity in response to a decade of increased interventions against Plasmodium falciparum in northern Ghana
Lucas N. Amenga-Etego, Victor Asoala, Godfred Agongo, Christopher Jacob, Sonia Goncalves, Gordon A. Awandare, Kirk A. Rockett & Dominic Kwiatkowski
Malaria Journal 2021;20(152)
An open dataset of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation in 7,000 worldwide samples
MalariaGEN, Ambroise Ahouidi, Mozam Ali, Jacob Almagro-Garcia, Alfred Amambua-Ngwa, Chanaki Amaratunga, Roberto Amato,Lucas Amenga-Etego, Ben Andagalu, Tim J. C. Anderson, Voahangy Andrianaranjaka, Tobias Apinjoh, Cristina Ariani, Elizabeth A. Ashley, Sarah Auburn, Gordon Awandare, Hampate Ba, Vito Baraka, Alyssa E. Barry1, Philip Bejon, Gwladys I. Bertin, Maciej F. Boni, Steffen Borrmann, Teun Bousema, Oralee Branch, Peter C. Bull, George B. J. Busby, Thanat Chookajorn, Kesinee Chotivanich, Antoine Claessens, David Conway, Alister Craig, Umberto D'Alessandro, Souleymane Dama, Nicholas Day, Brigitte Denis, Mahamadou Diakite, Abdoulaye Djimdé, Christiane Dolecek, Arjen Dondorp, Chris Drakeley, Eleanor Drury, Patrick Duffy, Diego F. Echeverry, Thomas G. Egwang, Berhanu Erko, Rick M. Fairhurst, Abdul Faiz, Caterina A. Fanello, Mark M. Fukuda, Dionicia Gamboa, Anita Ghansah, Lemu Golassa, Sonia Goncalves, William L. Hamilton, G. L. Abby Harrison, Lee Hart, Christa Henrichs, Tran Tinh Hien, Catherine A. Hill, Abraham Hodgson, Christina Hubbart, Mallika Imwong, Deus S. Ishengoma, Scott A. Jackson, Chris G. Jacob, Ben Jeffery, Anna E. Jeffreys, Kimberly J. Johnson, Dushyanth Jyothi, Claire Kamaliddin, Edwin Kamau, Mihir Kekre, Krzysztof Kluczynski, Theerarat Kochakarn, Abibatou Konaté, Dominic P. Kwiatkowski, Myat Phone Kyaw, Pharath Lim, Chanthap Lon, Kovana M. Loua, Oumou Maïga-Ascofaré, Cinzia Malangone, Magnus Manske, Jutta Marfurt, Kevin Marsh, Mayfong Mayxay, Alistair Miles, Olivo Miotto, Victor Mobegi, Olugbenga A. Mokuolu, Jacqui Montgomery, Ivo Mueller, Paul N. Newton, Thuy Nguyen, Thuy-Nhien Nguyen, Harald Noedl, Francois Nosten, Rintis Noviyanti, Alexis Nzila, Lynette I. Ochola-Oyier, Harold Ocholla, Abraham Oduro, Irene Omedo, Marie A. Onyamboko, Jean-Bosco Ouedraogo, Kolapo Oyebola, Richard D. Pearson, Norbert Peshu, Aung Pyae Phyo, Chris V. Plowe, Ric N. Price, Sasithon Pukrittayakamee, Milijaona Randrianarivelojosia, Julian C. Rayner, Pascal Ringwald, Kirk A. Rockett, Katherine Rowlands, Lastenia Ruiz, David Saunders, Alex Shayo, Peter Siba, Victoria J. Simpson, Jim Stalker, Xin-zhuan Su, Colin Sutherland, Shannon Takala-Harrison, Livingstone Tavul, Vandana Thathy, Antoinette Tshefu, Federica Verra, Joseph Vinetz, Thomas E. Wellems, Jason Wendler, Nicholas J. White, Ian Wright, William Yavo, Htut Ye.
Wellcome Open Research 2021;6:42
Emergence of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum with kelch13 C580Y mutations on the island of New Guinea
Miotto O, Sekihara M, Tachibana SI, Yamauchi M, Pearson RD, Amato R, Gonçalves S, Mehra S, Noviyanti R, Marfurt J, Auburn S, Price RN, Mueller I, Ikeda M, Mori T, Hirai M, Tavul L, Hetzel MW, Laman M, Barry AE, Ringwald P, Ohashi J, Hombhanje F, Kwiatkowski DP, Mita T.
PLoS Pathogens 2020;16(12);e1009133
Genomic surveillance of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax cases at the University Hospital in Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Hugo O Valdivia, Fredy E Villena, Stephen E Lizewski, Jorge Garcia, Jackeline Alger, Danett K Bishop
Scientific Reports 2020;10 (1);20975
Identity-by-descent with uncertainty characterises connectivity of Plasmodium falciparum populations on the Colombian-Pacific coast
Taylor AR, Echeverry DF, Anderson TJC, Neafsey DE, Buckee CO.
PLoS Genetics 2020;16(11);e1009101
Whole genome sequencing of Plasmodium vivax isolates reveals frequent sequence and structural polymorphisms in erythrocyte binding genes
Ford A, Kepple D, Abagero BR, Connors J, Pearson R, Auburn S, Getachew S, Ford C, Gunalan K, Miller LH, Janies DA, Rayner JC, Yan G, Yewhalaw D, Lo E.
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2020;14(10);e0008234
Antimalarial drug resistance molecular makers of Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Sudan during 2015–2017
Hussien M, Abdel Hamid MM, Elamin EA, Hassan AO, Elaagip AH, Salama AHA, Abdelraheem MH, Mohamed AO.
PLOS ONE 2020;15(8);e0235401
Occurrence of septuple and elevated Pfdhfr-Pfdhps quintuple mutations in a general population threatens the use of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for malaria prevention during pregnancy in eastern coast of Tanzania
George M. Bwire, Wigilya P. Mikomangwa and Manase Kilonz
BMC Infectious Diseases 2020;20;530
Genetic diversity and neutral selection in Plasmodium vivax erythrocyte binding protein correlates with patient antigenicity
Han JH, Cho JS, Ong JJY, Park JH, Nyunt MH, Sutanto E, Trimarsanto H, Petros B, Aseffa A, Getachew S, Sriprawat K, Anstey NM, Grigg MJ, Barber BE, William T, Qi G, Liu Y, Pearson RD, Auburn S, Price RN, Nosten F, Rénia L, Russell B, Han ET.
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2020;14(7);e0008202
Efficacy of dihydroartemisinin/piperaquine and artesunate monotherapy for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Central Vietnam
Rovira-Vallbona E, Van Hong N, Kattenberg JH, Huan RM, Hien NTT, Ngoc NTH, Guetens P, Hieu NL, Mai TT, Duong NTT, Duong TT, Phuc BQ, Xa NX, Erhart A, Rosanas-Urgell A.
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2020;75;2272
Mapping the travel patterns of people with malaria in Bangladesh
Sinha I, Sayeed AA, Uddin D, Wesolowski A, Zaman SI, Faiz MA, Ghose A, Rahman MR, Islam A, Karim MJ, Saha A, Rezwan MK, Shamsuzzaman AKM, Jhora ST, Aktaruzzaman MM, Chang HH, Miotto O, Kwiatkowski D, Dondorp AM, Day NPJ, Hossain MA, Buckee C, Maude RJ.
BMC Medicine 2020;18(1);45
Plasmodium vivax Malaria Viewed through the Lens of an Eradicated European Strain
van Dorp L, Gelabert P, Rieux A, de Manuel M, de-Dios T, Gopalakrishnan S, Carøe C, Sandoval-Velasco M, Fregel R, Olalde I, Escosa R, Aranda C, Huijben S, Mueller I, Marquès-Bonet T, Balloux F, Gilbert MTP, Lalueza-Fox C.
Molecular Biology and Evolution 2020;37(3);773-785
Detection of mutations associated with artemisinin resistance at k13- propeller gene and a near complete return of chloroquine susceptible falciparum malaria in Southeast of Tanzania
George M. Bwire, Billy Ngasala, Wigilya P. Mikomangwa, Manase Kilonzi & AppolinaryA. R. Kamuhabwa
Scientific Reports 2020;10;3500
Assessment of Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance molecular markers from the Blue Nile State, Southeast Sudan
Mohamed AO, Hussien M, Mohamed A, Suliman A, Elkando NS, Abdelbagi H, Malik EM, Abdelraheem MH, Hamid MMA.
Malaria Journal 2020;19(1);78
A molecular barcode to inform the geographical origin and transmission dynamics of Plasmodium vivax malaria
Diez Benavente E, Campos M, Phelan J, Nolder D, Dombrowski JG, Marinho CRF, Sriprawat K, Taylor AR, Watson J, Roper C, Nosten F, Sutherland CJ, Campino S, Clark TG.
PLoS Genetics 2020;16(2);e1008576
Analysis of Plasmodium falciparum Rh2b deletion polymorphism across different transmission areas
Yaw Aniweh, Jonathan Suurbaar, Collins M Morang’a, Prince B Nyarko, Katherine E Wright, Kwadwo A Kusi, Felix Ansah, Eric Kyei-Baafour, Evelyn Quansah, Jessica Asante, Laty G Thiam, Matthew K Higgins, Gordon A Awandare
Scientific Reports 2020;10(1);1498
A molecular barcode and online tool to identify and map imported infection with Plasmodium vivax
Hidayat Trimarsanto, Roberto Amato, Richard D Pearson, Edwin Sutanto, Rintis Noviyanti, Leily Trianty, Jutta Marfurt, Zuleima Pava, Diego F Echeverry, Tatiana M Lopera-Mesa, Lidia Madeline Montenegro, Alberto Tobón-Castaño, Matthew J Grigg, Bridget Barber, Timothy William, Nicholas M Anstey, Sisay Getachew, Beyene Petros, Abraham Aseffa, Ashenafi Assefa, Awab Ghulam Rahim, Nguyen Hoang Chau, Tran Tinh Hien, Mohammad Shafiul Alam, Wasif A Khan, Benedikt Ley, Kamala Thriemer, Sonam Wangchuck, Yaghoob Hamedi, Ishag Adam, Yaobao Liu, Qi Gao, Kanlaya Sriprawat, Marcelo U Ferreira, Alyssa Barry, Ivo Mueller, Eleanor Drury, Sonia Goncalves, Victoria Simpson, Olivo Miotto, Alistair Miles, Nicholas J White, Francois Nosten, Dominic P Kwiatkowski, Ric N Price, Sarah Auburn
bioRxiv 2019;776781
Mapping imported malaria in Bangladesh using parasite genetic and human mobility data
Chang HH, Wesolowski A, Sinha I, Jacob CG, Mahmud A, Uddin D, Zaman SI, Hossain MA, Faiz MA, Ghose A, Sayeed AA, Rahman MR, Islam A, Karim MJ, Rezwan MK, Shamsuzzaman AKM, Jhora ST, Aktaruzzaman MM, Drury E, Gonçalves S, Kekre M, Dhorda M, Vongpromek R, Miotto O, Engø-Monsen K, Kwiatkowski D, Maude RJ, Buckee C
eLife 2019;8;e43481
Genomic analysis of Plasmodium vivax in southern Ethiopia reveals selective pressures in multiple parasite mechanisms.
Auburn S, Getachew S, Pearson RD, Amato R, Miotto O, Trimarsanto H, Zhu SJ, Rumaseb A, Marfurt J, Noviyanti R, Grigg MJ, Barber B, William T, Goncalves SM, Drury E, Sriprawat K, Anstey NM, Nosten F, Petros B, Aseffa A, McVean G, Kwiatkowski DP, Price RN.
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2019;220;1738-1749
Tafenoquine versus Primaquine to Prevent Relapse of Plasmodium vivax Malaria
Llanos-Cuentas A, Lacerda MVG, Hien TT, Vélez ID, Namaik-Larp C, Chu CS, Villegas MF, Val F, Monteiro WM, Brito MAM, Costa MRF, Chuquiyauri R, Casapía M, Nguyen CH, Aruachan S, Papwijitsil R, Nosten FH, Bancone G, Angus B, Duparc S, Craig G, Rousell VM, Jones SW, Hardaker E, Clover DD, Kendall L, Mohamed K, Koh GCKW, Wilches VM, Breton JJ, Green JA.
New England Journal of Medicine 2019;380(3);229-241
Single-Dose Tafenoquine to Prevent Relapse of Plasmodium vivax Malaria
Lacerda MVG, Llanos-Cuentas A, Krudsood S, Lon C, Saunders DL, Mohammed R, Yilma D, Batista Pereira D, Espino FEJ, Mia RZ, Chuquiyauri R, Val F, Casapía M, Monteiro WM, Brito MAM, Costa MRF, Buathong N, Noedl H, Diro E, Getie S, Wubie KM, Abdissa A, Zeynudin A, Abebe C, Tada MS, Brand F, Beck HP, Angus B, Duparc S, Kleim JP, Kellam LM, Rousell VM, Jones SW, Hardaker E, Mohamed K, Clover DD, Fletcher K, Breton JJ, Ugwuegbulam CO, Green JA, Koh GCKW.
New England Journal of Medicine 2019;380(3);215-228
Prevalence of chloroquine and antifolate drug resistance alleles in Plasmodium falciparum clinical isolates from three areas in Ghana
James Abugri, Felix Ansah, Kwaku P Asante, Comfort N Opoku, Lucas A Amenga-Etego, Gordon A Awandare
AAS Open Research 2018;1;1
A forward genetic screen reveals a primary role for Plasmodium falciparum Reticulocyte Binding Protein Homologue 2a and 2b in determining alternative erythrocyte invasion pathways
Campino S, Marin-Menendez A, Kemp A, Cross N, Drought l, Otto TD, Benavente ED, Ravenhall M, Schwach F, Girling G, Manske M, Theron M, Gould K, Drury E, Clark TG, Kwiatkowski DP, Pance A & Rayner JC.
PLoS Pathogens 2018;4(11)
Multi-population genomic analysis of malaria parasites indicates local selection and differentiation at the gdv1 locus regulating sexual development
Duffy CW, Amambua-Ngwa A, Ahouidi AD, Diakite M, Awandare GA, Ba H, Tarr SJ, Murray l, Stewart lB, D'Alessandro U, Otto TD, Kwiatkowski DP & Conway DJ.
Scientific Reports 2018;8;15763
Antibodies to Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1-Binding Plasmodium falciparum Erythrocyte Membrane Protein 1-DBLbeta Are Biomarkers of Protective Immunity to Malaria in a Cohort of Young Children from Papua New Guinea
Tessema SK, Utama D, Chesnokov O, Hodder AN, Lin CS, Harrison GLA, Jespersen JS, Petersen B, Tavul L, Siba P, Kwiatkowski D, Lavstsen T, Hansen DS, Oleinikov AV, Mueller I & Barry AE.
Infection and Immunity 2018;86;e00485-17
Consistent signatures of selection from genomic analysis of pairs of temporal and spatial Plasmodium falciparum populations from The Gambia
Amambua-Ngwa A, Jeffries D, Amato R, Worwui A, Karim M, Ceesay S, Nyang H, Nwakanma D, Okebe J, Kwiatkowski D, Conway D & D'Alessandro U.
Scientific Reports 2018;8;9687
Genomic analysis of a pre-elimination Malaysian Plasmodium vivax population reveals selective pressures and changing transmission dynamics
Auburn S, Benavente ED, Miotto O, Pearson RD, Amato R, Grigg MJ, Barber B, William T, Handayuni I, Marfurt J, Trimarsanto H, Noviyanti R, Sriprawat K, Nosten F, Campino S, Clark TG, Anstey NA, Kwiatkowski DP, Price RN
Nature Communications 2018;9;2585
Effect of generalised access to early diagnosis and treatment and targeted mass drug administration on Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Eastern Myanmar: an observational study of a regional elimination programme
Jordi Landier, Daniel M Parker, Aung Myint Thu, Khin Maung Lwin, Gilles Delmas and Prof François H Nosten for the Malaria Elimination Task Force Group
The Lancet 2018;391(10133);1916-1926
Origins of the current outbreak of multidrug-resistant malaria in southeast Asia: a retrospective genetic study
Amato R, Pearson RD, Almagro-Garcia J, Amaratunga C, PhD, Lim P, Suon S, Sreng S, Drury E, Stalker J, Miotto O, Fairhurst R, Kwiatkowski DP
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2018;18;337-345
Molecular markers for artemisinin and partner drug resistance in natural Plasmodium falciparum populations following increased insecticide treated net coverage along the slope of mount Cameroon: cross-sectional study
Apinjoh TO, Mugri RN, Miotto O, Chi HF, Tata RB, Anchang-Kimbi JK, Fon EM, Tangoh DA, Nyingchu RV, Jacob C, Amato R, Djimde A, Kwiatkowski D, Achidi EA, Amambua-Ngwa A.
Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2017;6;136
Deconvolution of multiple infections in Plasmodium falciparum from high throughput sequencing data
Zhu SJ, Almagro-Garcia J, McVean G.
Bioinformatics 2017
Panoptes: web-based exploration of large scale genome variation data
Vauterin P, Jeffery B, Miles A, Amato R, Hart L, Wright I, Kwiatkowski D
Bioinformatics 2017
Genomic variation in Plasmodium vivax malaria reveals regions under selective pressure
Diez Benavente E, Ward Z, Chan W, Mohareb FR, Sutherland CJ, Roper C, Campino S, Clark TG.
PLoS One 2017;12(5);e0177134
Population genetic structure and adaptation of malaria parasites on the edge of endemic distribution
Duffy CW, Ba H, Assefa S, Ahouidi AD, Deh YB, Tandia A, Kirsebom FC, Kwiatkowski DP, Conway DJ
Molecular Ecology 2017
Plasmodium malariae and P. ovale genomes provide insights into malaria parasite evolution
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Nature 2017
Culture adaptation of malaria parasites selects for convergent loss-of-function mutants
Claessens A, Affara M, Assefa SA, Kwiatkowski DP, Conway DJ
Scientific Reports 2017;7;41303
Whole genome sequencing of Plasmodium falciparum from dried blood spots using selective whole genome amplification
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Malaria Journal 2016;15;597
Extreme mutation bias and high AT content in Plasmodium falciparum
Hamilton WL, Claessens A, Otto TD, Kekre M, Fairhurst RM, Rayner JC, Kwiatkowski D
Nucleic Acids Research 2016;pii;gkw1259
A new Plasmodium vivax reference sequence with improved assembly of the subtelomeres reveals an abundance of pir genes
Auburn S, Böhme U, Steinbiss S, Trimarsanto H, Hostetler J, Sanders M, Gao Q, Nosten F, Newbold CI, Berriman M, Price RN, Otto TD.
Wellcome Open Research 2016;1;4
Genetic markers associated with dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine failure in Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Cambodia: a genotype–phenotype association study
Amato R, Lim P, Miotto O, Amaratunga C, Dek D, Pearson RD, Almagro-Garcia J, Neal AT, Sreng S, Suon S, Drury E, Jyothi D, Stalker J, Kwiatkowski DP, Fairhurst RM
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2016