Study application process
1) Complete a partner study proposal form and submit it to
2) MalariaGEN reviews and accepts or rejects your partner study proposal
3) Compliance process begins for accepted studies, including:
3.1) Finalising local ethics approval and sharing documentation with MalariaGEN
3.2) Apply for Nagoya protocol approval with MalariaGEN support – this can be a lengthy process and is best started as soon as possible
3.3) Arrange Material transfer agreement between MalariaGEN and collaborator Institutes as needed
4) Send completed Sample Information Sheet (SIS) to MalariaGEN (more information provided in partner study resources)
6) Submit samples for processing

Samples and protocols
The objective of MalariaGEN partner study collaboration is to provide timely, usable genomic data in relation to malaria parasite drug resistance. Samples that are suitable for this are:
Dried blood spot
- Single sample per study participant (2 DBS)
- Samples regularly taken from the same geographic region
- Samples from patients with confirmed malaria (P. falciparum or P. vivax)
Extracted DNA
- Minimum volume of 200ng DNA in 100ul
Collection protocols are available in partner study resources.