The MalariaGEN Vector Observatory Anopheles gambiae data resource version 3.8 (Ag3.8) contains single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) calls, copy number variant (CNV) calls and SNP haplotypes from whole-genome sequencing of mosquitoes collected in Burkina Faso (387 samples), Gabon (43 samples), Nigeria (117 samples), and Uganda (1714 samples) from 2011 to 2020. Ag3.8 contains 2261 whole genome sequences from An. coluzzi, An. arabiensis, An. fontenillei and An. gambiae.
Data sets
Sequence alignments
Downloads include sequence alignments (BAM files) and variant calls (VCF files) from both alignment- and assembly-based calling methods. All of the data files included in this release can be downloaded from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute public FTP site. NOTE: Many browsers now do not support links to FTP sites. If you are experiencing difficultie