This data release includes phased haplotypes for 2,784 wild-caught mosquitoes collected from 19 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. These haplotypes can be analysed directly or used as haplotype reference panels to improve phasing of other samples. Three mosquito species are represented: Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles arabiensis. All mosquitoes were sequenced using Illumina technology by the Wellcome Sanger Institute Parasites and Microbes programme.
Data sets
Data availability
This data release comprises phased haplotypes at biallelic SNP sites. These data are hosted in Google Cloud. For more information about downloading data, please see the haplotypes section in the Ag3 data download guide. For more information about accessing data in the cloud, please see the haplotypes section in the Ag3 cloud access guide.
Contributing studies
Mosquito specimens sequenced in this data release were contributed by 26 studies. For more information about the researchers and studies who contributed these specimens, collection methods and contact information, please see the Ag1000G partner studies.
Ag3.0 (Ag1000G phase 3) haplotypes data release
Further details on genome-wide phased haplotypes can be found here.
Data package contact
To cite these data, please use the following citation format:
The Anopheles gambiae 1000 Genomes Consortium (2021): Ag1000G phase 3 haplotypes data release. MalariaGEN.