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P. falciparum Community Project Terms of Use

P. falciparum community project terms of use at MalariaGEN

Date: Date: 28 Oct 2015

Version: v1.0

These Terms of Use were applied to the P. falciparum Community Project Jan. 2016 data release when first publically released and were lifted in February 2017. This dataset is now available open access

Use of P. falciparum Community Project data

The P. falciparum Community Project is a collaboration designed to support independent research studies to perform genomic analyses on their own samples, while at the same time enabling global analyses of P. falciparum population genetics and evolutionary selection. The Terms of Use are intended to respect the legitimate interests of all collaborators who have contributed samples and data to the Community Project.

The Community Project has developed Terms of Use based on those established by the human 1000 Genomes Project ( and guided by the Fort Lauderdale Agreement for Sharing Data from Large-scale Biological Research Projects (

In brief, we encourage others to use Community Project data in their own work, but expect that they will allow the Data Producers (the Community Project and its contributing investigators) to make the first presentations and publications reporting on their intended scientific analyses.

Any use of Community Project data implies acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Data Users who have questions about whether they may make presentations or submit papers using Community Project data should contact

Terms of Use

Global analyses of Community Project data

The Community Project plans to publish global analyses of: sequence data and quality; SNPs and structural variants; haplotypes and LD patterns; population genetic phenomena such as population comparisons, mutation and recombination rates, signals of selection and demographic analyses; functional annotations; and analyses of regions of general interest such as var genes and genes implicated in drug resistance. Since the data is derived from blood samples of infected individuals in a natural setting, some samples will include mixed infections of P. falciparum with other Plasmodium species, and this will form part of the Community Project analysis.

Talks, posters, and papers on all such analyses are to be published first by approved presenters on behalf of the Community Project. When these planned analyses have been published by the Community Project, then Data Users are free to present and publish using the Community Project data.

In consultation with the Community Project, Data Producers may make presentations and publish papers on more extensive analyses of specific topics coincident with the main Community Project analysis presentations and publications.

Local analyses of Community Project data

In many cases contributing investigators intend to perform analyses beyond those described above using the genomic data from their samples. Data Users who wish to use data from particular study sites are respectfully asked to contact the relevant Partner Studies to discuss their intentions and, if appropriate, to identify opportunities for collaboration. This should be done via the contact person named for each study. The contact person is responsible for ensuring that the individuals and institutions that contributed the samples and sequence data (including the Community Project) are informed and consulted as appropriate.

Methods development using Community Project data

Data Users who have used small amounts of Community Project data may present methods development posters, talks, and papers that include these data prior to the main Community Project publications, without needing Community Project approval or authorship. The Community Project should be acknowledged and cited using the format given below. Methods presentations or papers on global analyses or analyses using large amounts of Community Project data would be similar to large-scale analyses of Community Project data: Data Producers may make presentations or submit papers at the same time as the main Community Project presentations and papers, and others could do so after the Community Project publishes on the global analyses.

Candidate region studies using Community Project data

Data Users may present and publish on use of Community Project data in specific chromosome regions (that are not of general interest) or as summaries (such as the total number of variants), prior to the main Community Project publications. The Community Project should be acknowledged and cited using the format given below.

Population comparisons using Community Project data

Data Users may use Community Project data as controls or additional information for comparisons with their own samples, prior to the main Community Project publications, provided this does not conflict with the global analyses of the Community Project data. The Community Project should be acknowledged and cited using the format given below.

Acknowledging and citing the source of the data

Publications using Community Project data should acknowledge and cite the source of the data using the following format: “This publication uses data from the MalariaGEN P. falciparum Community Project ( as described in [cite the relevant Community Project publications]. Genome sequencing was performed by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the Community Projects is coordinated by the MalariaGEN Resource Centre with funding from the Wellcome Trust (098051, 090770).

Uses of the data to study other organisms

The sequence read data may only be used for Plasmodium genome analysis. It is prohibited to attempt to recover information about humans or other organisms.


Data Users who have questions about whether they may make presentations or submit papers using Project data should contact

Project Updates

The MalariaGEN P. falciparum Community Project is an active collaboration. For the latest information on Community Project developments, analyses and publications, visit the project page.