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Ag1000G Terms of Use

Ag1000G Terms of use at MalariaGEN

Date: 22 Mar 2022
Version: V1.0

These Terms of Use were applied to the Ag1000G Phase 1 and Phase 2 data releases when first publically released and were lifted in March 2022. These datasets are now available open access. The terms of use still apply to Phase 3 datasets.

Terms of Use

The Data Producers (the Consortium and its Contributing Investigators) will release the Project data prior to publication, in the expectation that they will be valuable for many researchers. In keeping with Fort Lauderdale principles, Data Users may use the data for their own studies, but are expected to allow the Consortium and its Contributing Investigators to make the first presentations and to publish the first papers with global analyses of the data.

Global analyses of Project data

The Project plans to publish global analyses of the sequence data and quality, SNPs, structural variants, STRs, microsatellites, transposable elements, haplotypes and LD patterns, population genetic phenomena such as population comparisons, mutations rates, signals of selection and functional annotations, demographic history, as well as analyses of regions of general interest such as inversion breakpoints, regions associated with insecticide resistance, regions associated with resistance to Plasmodium infection or vectorial capacity, regions associated with adaptation to broad ecological conditions, and regions associated with incipient speciation. Talks, posters and papers on all such analyses are to be published first by approved presenters on behalf of the Anopheles gambiae 1000 Genomes Consortium. When these planned analyses have been published by the Consortium then researchers inside and outside the Consortium are free to present and publish using the Project data for these and other analyses.

Large-scale analyses of Project data

Groups within the Project may make presentations and publish papers on behalf of the Consortium on more extensive analyses of topics to be included in the main analysis presentations and papers, coincident with the main project analysis presentations and papers. The major points would be included in the main Project presentations and papers, but these additional presentations and papers allow more focussed discussion of methods and results.

Methods development using Project data

Researchers who have used small amounts of Project data (< 10% of the genome) may present methods development posters, talks and papers that include these data prior to the first major Project paper, without needing Project approval or authorship, although the Project should be acknowledged and the data should be cited (see below). Methods presentations or papers on global analyses or analyses using large amounts of Project data, on topics that the Consortium plans to examine, would be similar to large-scale analyses of Project data: researchers within the Project may make presentations or submit papers at the same time as the main Project presentations and papers, and others could do so after the Project publishes the first major analysis paper.

Other studies using Project data

Researchers may present and publish on use of Project data in specific chromosome regions (that are not of general interest) or as summaries (such as the total number of variants) for other studies (such as studies on specific aspects of vector biology) without Project approval, prior to the first major Project paper being published. The Project should be acknowledged and cited (see below).

Population comparisons using Project data

Researchers may use Project data as controls or additional information for comparison with their samples from other populations, prior to the major Project paper being published, as long as the analyses that the Project plans to do are not included. These are not Project studies and the Project should not be listed as an author, however the project should be acknowledged and the data should be cited (see below).

Citing Project data

Any publication which has made use of Project data should directly cite the data release that was used. Guidance on how to cite a specific data release will be given on that data release’s webpage.


Researchers who have questions about whether they may make presentations or submit papers using Project data, or whether to include the Anopheles gambiae 1000 Genomes Consortium as an author, may contact Martin Donnelly (

These terms of use apply to: